Stainless steel bar: Conditions, surface finishes and tolerances

Conditions, surface finishes and tolerances
Stainless and heat resisting bars are produced to various conditions, viz. annealed, hardened (quenched) and tempered, cold drawn, etc. Various surface finishes include hot rolled, pickled, rough machined, peeled, ground and drawn. The tolerances will depend on both the surface finish and the specified range (eg. – only, + and -, + only). The various conditions, surface finishes and tolerances are not applicable to all materials and shapes.

Mass of stainless steel bar in kg1m


Round Bar*: n (r)2 x 0,00795 (r = radius in mm)

eg 50mm round bar = n (25)2 x 0,00795 = 15,61 kg/m

Square Bar*: (di x 0,00795 (d = cross section in mm)

eg 50mm square bar = (50)2 x 0,00795 = 19,88 kg/m t

Hex Bar*: 1,1 x mass of equivalent round bar

eg50mmhexbar= 1,1 x 15,41 = 17,17kg/m

Flat bar*: Wx T x 0,00795 (W & T are width and thickness in mm)

eg 80mm x 12mm flat bar = 80 x 12 x 0,00795 = 7,64 kg/m

Section: G x T x 0,00795 (G = nett girth in mm, T = thickness in mm)

eg 150mm x 75mm x 6mm channel = (150 + 75 + 75 – 6 – 6) x 6 x 0,00795 = 13,74 kg/m *

* For Round, Square and Hex Bar:

Double the size =4 x the mass eg 100mm round bar = mass of 50mm round x 4 = 15,61 x4 = 62,44 kg/m


Size Round Hex Square Size Round Hex Square Size Round Hex Square
6 0.22 0.24 0.28 35 7.65 8.42 9.74 75 35.1 38.7 44.8
8 0.39 0.44 0.51 40 9.99 10.9 12.72 80 40.00 44.00 50.8
10 0.63 0.69 0.80 45 12.7 13.9 16.1 90 50.5 55.6 64.4
12 0.90 0.99 1.14 50 15.6 17.2 19.9 100 62.5 68.7 79.5
16 1.59 1.76 2.03 55 18.9 20.8 24.1 110 75.6 83.1 96.2
20 2.50 2.74 3.18 60 22.5 24.7 28.7 125 97.5 107.4 124.3
25 3.90 4.29 4.97 65 26.4 29.1 33.6 150 140.5 154.5 178.8
32 6.39 7.03 8.14 70 30.6 33.6 39.0 200 249.7 274.8 318.0
Note: Based on a mean density of 7 950 kg/cubic metre
Dimensions after rough machining Average weight Kg/m
Chucked true to the O.D. Chucked true to the I.D
Max O.D mm Min I.D mm Max O.D.
Min I.D.
32 20 31.0 22.0 30.0 21.0 4.23
  16 31.0 18.0 30.0 17.0 5.11
36 25 35.0 27.0 34.0 26.0 4.58
20 35.0 22.0 34.0 21.0 5.96
16 35.0 18.5 33.5 17.0 6.84
40 28 39.0 30.0 38.0 29.0 5.63
  25 39.0 27.0 38.0 26.0 6.51
  20 39.0 22.5 37.5 21.0 7.89
45 32 44.0 34.0 43.0 33.0 6.75
28 44.0 30.0 42.5 29.0 8.23
20 44.0 22.5 42.5 21.0 10.6
50 36 49.0 38.0 48.0 37.0 8.08
  32 49.0 34.5 47.5 33.0 9.75
  25 49.0 27.5 47.5 26.0 12.2
56 40 55.0 42.0 54.0 41.0 10.3
36 55.0 38.5 53.5 37.0 12.1
28 55.0 30.5 53.5 29.0 15.3
63 50 62.0 52.0 61.0 51.0 10.0
  40 62.0 42.5 60.5 41.0 15.6
  36 62.0 38.5 60.5 37.0 17.5
  32 62.0 34.5 60.5 33.0 19.1
71 56 69.5 58.0 69.0 57.0 13.0
45 69.5 47.5 68.5 46.0 19.8
40 69.5 42.5 68.5 41.0 22.4
36 69.5 38.5 68.5 37.0 24.3
75 40 73.5 42.5 72.0 41.0 26.2
80 63 78.5 65.5 77.5 64.0 16.5
50 78.5 52.5 77.0 51.0 25.5
45 78.5 47.5 77.0 46.0 28.5
40 78.5 43.0 77.0 41.0 31.1
85 45 83.5 48.0 82.0 46.0 33.7
90 71 88.5 73.5 87.5 72.5 20.8
63 88.5 65.5 87.0 64.0 27.4
56 88.5 58.5 87.0 57.0 32.5
50 88.5 53.0 87.0 51.0 36.4
95 50 93.5 52.0 91.0 51.0 42.3
100 80 98.5 82.5 97.0 81.5 24.6
71 98.5 73.5 97.0 72.5 32.9
63 98.5 65.5 96.5 54.0 39.5
56 98.5 59.0 96.5 57.0 44.6
106 80 104.0 82.5 103.0 81.5 32.5
71 104.0 74.0 102.5 72.5 40.8
63 104.0 66.0 102.5 64.0 47.4
56 104.0 59.0 102.5 57.0 52.5
Dimensions after rough machining Average weight Kg/m
Chucked true to the O.D. Chucked true to the I.D
Max O.D mm Min I.D mm Max O.D.
Min I.D.
112 90 110.0 93.0 109.0 915. 30.4
80 110.0 83.0 108.5 81.5 40.8
71 110.0 74.0 108.5 72.5 49.2
63 110.0 66.0 108.0 64.0 55.8
118 90 116.0 93.0 114.5 91.5 39.2
  80 116.0 83.0 114.5 81.5 49.7
  71 116.0 74.0 114.0 72.5 57.9
  63 116.0 66.0 114.0 64.0 64.6
125 100 123.0 103.0 121.5 101.5 38.4
90 123.0 93.0 121.5 91.5 50.1
80 123.0 83.0 121.0 81.5 60.5
71 123.0 74.5 121.0 72.5 68.9
132 106 130.0 109.0 128.5 108.0 42.3
  90 130.0 93.5 128.0 91.5 61.6
  80 130.0 83.5 128.0 81.5 82.0
  71 130.0 74.5 127.5 72.5 80.3
140 112 137.5 115.0 136.5 114.0 48.2
100 137.5 103.5 136.0 101.5 63.8
90 137.5 93.5 136.0 91.5 75.4
80 137.5 83.5 135.5 81.5 85.9
150 125 147.5 128.5 146.0 127.0 47.8
  106 147.5 109.5 146.0 108.0 74.7
  95 147.5 98.5 145.5 96.5 88.3
  80 147.5 84.0 145.0 81.5 104.4
160 132 157.5 135.5 156.0 134.0 56.6
122 157.5 125.5 156.0 124.0 72.1
112 157.5 115.5 155.5 114.0 86.5
170 140 167.0 143.5 166.0 142.5 64.3
  130 167.0 134.0 165.5 132.0 80.8
  118 167.0 122.0 165.5 120.0 99.1
180 150 177.0 154.0 175.5 152.5 68.9
140 177.0 144.0 175.5 142.5 86.6
125 177.0 129.0 175.0 127.0 110.0
190 160 187.0 164.0 185.5 162.5 73.5
  150 187.0 154.0 185.5 152.5 92.4
  132 187.0 136.5 185.0 134.0 123.6
200 160 197.0 164.0 195.0 162.5 98.4
150 197.0 154.5 195.0 152.5 117.3
140 197.0 144.5 194.5 142.5 135.2
212 170 208.5 174.5 207.0 173.0 109.7
  130 208.5 135.0 206.0 132.0 183.3
224 180 220.5 184.5 218.5 183.0 121.6
140 220.5 145.0 217.5 142.5 200.2
236 190 232.0 195.0 230.5 193.0 134.2
  150 232.0 155.5 229.5 152.5 217.6
250 200 246.0 205.0 244.0 203.0 153.7

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